I finally make it home and my son is there. I tell him about the dogs that I encountered on the street and that there was about 30 running loose some even got run over and the other dogs ate them. I urged him to close our back gate, as we could see them running in the back of our street. I opened the sliding glass door and before I could step out 2 shadows ran inside so fast. They were coyotes and one was chasing my German shepherd upstairs. Before I knew it I was stopping the one closest to me by choking him and my son was also holding the other coyote. When I looked down I was choking a leopard ti death. The other coyote saw this and turned over to show his belly as to surrender.
This dream appears to be a reflection of your feelings of protectiveness and concern, especially towards your family and loved ones. The dogs running loose on the street and some getting run over might symbolize a sense of chaos and danger lurking around in your waking life. Encountering coyotes and a leopard in the dream could represent wild, untamed aspects of yourself or external factors that you perceive as threats.
Choking the coyotes and the leopard could signify your fight against these threats, whether they are internal or external challenges you are facing. Your urge to protect your German shepherd and your son indicates your strong instinct to safeguard those close to you.
The surrender of one of the coyotes could suggest a resolution or a willingness to submit in a conflict or challenge you are dealing with. Overall, this dream may reflect your subconscious fears, protective instincts, and the need to confront and overcome obstacles in your waking life.